Saturday, December 11, 2010

My gourmet company showcased locally

I've been writing about the importance of local businesses helping local businesses. I'm excited to tell you today about another local business doing their part to promote local businesses.

The Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union bank on Rt 9W in Kingston (across from Adam's) showcases one of their business customers every month of the year. The bank provides a free display table and prominent signage announcing that particular business as the member of the month and selected businesses are invited to set up their exhibit display any way they choose with signage and products. This is a wonderful opportunity for businesses to introduce their products and services to possible customers for a sustained amount of time.

Here's the really cool part...Baron's International Kitchen was selected as the business member of the month for December! Visit the bank and you'll see my exhibit table. It displays jars of my gourmet products in several of the different available sizes and I've also included a holiday display so you can view different gift options that are available. You'll also find menus and business cards for some of my local partners (businesses where my gourmet products are available for purchase) and I hope you'll check out their offers and catering services and keep them in mind if you're looking to create a holiday party this season that people will still be talking about next year :-) Free samples of my gourmet products are provided on Fridays and Saturdays so do stop by and pick up a sample if you've been curious to try my gourmet products before you buy.

A very big thank you to to the Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union for the opportunity to showcase my company and gourmet products and for doing their part to help support our local economy. At the Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union, you'll find the friendliest people and financial products and services designed to meet personal and business needs. I highly recommend calling on Patrick and his team at the Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union. You won't be disappointed.

Keep it local!


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